



The liver performs many essential functions for our body, including:
   1.   Detoxification: removes toxins and harmful substances from the blood.
   2.   Bile production: facilitates the digestion of fats.
   3.   Metabolic regulation: controls glucose, lipid and protein levels in the blood.
   4.   Protein synthesis: produces important proteins such as albumin and coagulation factors.
   5.   Storage: stores vitamins (A, D, E, K) and minerals such as iron.
   6.   Immune system: contributes to the body's defence through Kupffer cells.
   7.   Elimination of old red blood cells: the liver recycles iron and eliminates waste products.

A vital organ that works tirelessly to keep us in balance!

Choline, milk thistle, dandelion and artichoke extract are four key ingredients for liver health.
Choline supplementation has been shown to normalise cholesterol metabolism, an effect sufficient to prevent the development of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and improve liver function. This benefit derives from choline's ability to support fat transport and metabolism in the liver, reducing lipid accumulation and inflammation that are characteristic of NASH. In addition, it contributes to improved VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) synthesis, promoting lipid export from the liver, with protective effects on liver health.

The milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is one of the most effective plants for liver protection and detoxification. It can reach up to 2 metres in height and is characterised by spiny leaves and flowers. It is recognised in many countries as a phytotherapeutic medicine. The medicinal part of the plant is its seeds, which are rich in silymarin, a complex of flavonolignans (silybin, isosilybin, silycristin and silydianin) with hepatoprotective and regenerative effects.

Silymarin increases glutathione levels in the liver, helping to neutralise oxidative damage, without stimulating biliary secretion. This makes milk thistle suitable in cases where other draining plants are contraindicated.

It is mainly used for:
- Alcohol-induced liver damage
- Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis
- Chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver
- Liver damage from drugs or toxins

It is also useful for controlling blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

The artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is a popular plant in modern phytotherapy. Its healing properties are mainly found in the leaves, while the flower does not contain any significant amount. The most important active substances in artichoke are caffeic acid and its esters (cynarin), the concentration of which is significantly reduced during the drying process. Other active components include chlorogenic acid, sesquiterpene lactones and flavonoids.

Artichoke has choleretic, antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects. It reduces blood cholesterol levels and is indicated in cases of dyspepsia, lack of appetite and irritable colon. It also helps prevent the formation of cholesterol-based gallstones and is used in drainage treatments.

The dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) belongs to the Asteraceae family and is native to Europe and northern Asia. The leaves are a tasty and healthy addition to salads, rich in minerals such as potassium, beta-carotene, flavonoids, sesquiterpene lactones, taraxinic acid and sterols.

Primarily, dandelion is used as a diuretic, although the effect is less pronounced in the roots due to the content of inulin, a prebiotic fibre that promotes healthy intestinal flora and helps regulate blood sugar levels. It also has a confirmed choleretic effect.

It is used as a bitter tonic to stimulate the appetite, in cases of dyspepsia and to treat fatty liver related to obesity. It is also useful in draining treatments and as an adjunct therapy for cholesterol control, cellulite and weight loss.

When it comes to protecting and supporting liver health, it is useful to consider taking hepatoprotective plants, which can be used in combination for synergistic benefits. We can incorporate these plants into our diet to protect the liver from damage and stress, improving its function and promoting detoxification of the body. Because of their properties, these plants can offer valuable support to keep our liver healthy and promote the overall well-being of our body.

Pratt, D. S. (2010). Liver chemistry and function tests. Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease. 9th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier. Kubes, P., & Jenne, C. (2018). Immune responses in the liver. Annual review of immunology36(1), 247-277. Wang, M., Simon, J. E., Aviles, I. F., He, K., Zheng, Q. Y., & Tadmor, Y. (2003). Analysis of antioxidative phenolic compounds in artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.). Journal of agricultural and Food Chemistry51(3), 601-608. Davaatseren, M., Hur, H. J., Yang, H. J., Hwang, J. T., Park, J. H., Kim, H. J., ... & Sung, M. J. (2013). Taraxacum official (dandelion) leaf extract alleviates high-fat diet-induced nonalcoholic fatty liver. Food and chemical toxicology58, 30-36. Dassprakash, M. V., Arun, R., Abraham, S. K., & Premkumar, K. (2012). In vitro and in vivo evaluation of antioxidant and antigenotoxic potential of Punica granatum leaf extract. Pharmaceutical biology50(12), 1523-1530.

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